Dental Blog



All About Water Flossing

All About Water Flossing

The chances are high that your dentist or dental hygienist has been pushing you to floss daily every time you visit. If you’re like most people, however, you probably don’t manage to floss every day. You might not even floss at all. We're going to cover all about...

All About Dental Crowns: Aesthetic and Function

All About Dental Crowns: Aesthetic and Function

Dental imperfections like fractures, discolorations, and even gaps can negatively affect your smile confidence. Fortunately, you can correct dental problems with restorations like crowns. Dental crowns are custom caps that fit over your teeth to repair damage. Because...

Tips for Creating Effective Hygiene Routines for Kids

Tips for Creating Effective Hygiene Routines for Kids

It can sometimes be difficult for children to follow new rules as they grow older, especially as their baby and permanent teeth develop. As babies, kids had help from mommy and daddy to keep their teeth clean, but when they’re older, the responsibility is theirs....

Get a Straighter Smile with Invisalign

Get a Straighter Smile with Invisalign

Orthodontic treatment is sometimes necessary for optimal oral health. Still, you may not want to commit to months of metal in your mouth, difficult oral hygiene, and constant poking and scraping against your cheeks. Thankfully, with modern technological advances, you...

Don’t skip your check-up!

Don’t skip your check-up!

With the COVID-19 test positivity rate still high in our region, many are on the fence about whether they should be keeping up with their routine dental appointments. Having a notable impact on overall health and well-being, professional oral care and...

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